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Bending process optimization: focus on the key factors of bending strength, direction and clearance

In the field of sheet metal processing, the bending process is a crucial technical link, and its optimization is of great significance for improving product quality and production efficiency. In the optimization process of the bending process, we must comprehensively consider core factors such as the bending strength, bending direction, and bending gap of the material to ensure that sheet metal products can complete the bending process accurately and efficiently.

Bending strength is a factor that cannot be ignored in the bending process. There are significant differences in the bending strength of different materials. Therefore, when selecting bending process parameters, the characteristics of the material must be fully considered. For high-strength materials, we need to use more precise bending angles and strengths to prevent quality problems such as breakage or deformation during the bending process. At the same time, for low-strength materials, although their bending properties are good, the bending strength also needs to be reasonably controlled to avoid excessive springback or wrinkles.

The bending direction is also a key point to pay attention to in bending process optimization. A reasonable bending direction not only helps to reduce the stress concentration of the material during the bending process, but also improves the aesthetics and practicality of the product. When choosing the bending direction, we need to combine the structural and functional requirements of the product to ensure that the bent product can meet the design requirements. In addition, for some sheet metal parts with special shapes, simulation analysis or experimental verification is needed to determine the optimal bending direction.

The setting of the bending gap is also crucial to the optimization of the bending process. A gap that is too small may cause the material to be squeezed and deformed during the bending process, while a gap that is too large may result in incorrect bending or excessive springback. Therefore, when setting the bending gap, we need to accurately calculate and adjust based on factors such as the thickness, hardness, and bending angle of the material. Through reasonable gap settings, we can effectively avoid bending failures and interference, and improve the stability and consistency of bending quality.

In addition, during the bending process, we also need to pay special attention to avoid bending failure caused by no pressure at the bending root. Without pressure, the material is prone to slipping or twisting during the bending process, resulting in bending failure or product deformation. Therefore, during the bending process, we need to ensure that the material is properly pressed to ensure that it remains stable during the bending process.

To sum up, the optimization of the bending process is a complex process involving multiple factors. By comprehensively considering the bending strength, bending direction, bending gap and other factors of the material, and taking corresponding optimization measures, we can effectively improve the bending quality and production efficiency of sheet metal products. In the future development of the sheet metal processing field, we look forward to seeing the emergence of more innovative bending process technologies and solutions to promote the continued progress and development of the entire industry.