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How to design the tolerance of sheet metal parts to ensure the accuracy and functionality of assembly?

Tolerance design of sheet metal parts is a key link to ensure the accuracy and functionality of assembly. Tolerance design involves the reasonable setting of parameters such as part size, shape, position, etc. to allow certain manufacturing deviations while ensuring that the parts can meet the expected performance requirements during assembly and use. The following are several steps and considerations for how to design the tolerance of sheet metal parts:

1. Understand assembly requirements and use environment
First, it is necessary to clarify the function and role of sheet metal parts in the assembly and the use environment in which they are located. Different assembly requirements and use environments also have different tolerance requirements for parts. For example, sheet metal parts in precision machinery may require higher tolerance accuracy to ensure the stability and accuracy of the machinery; while in some non-precision applications, the tolerance requirements can be appropriately relaxed.

2. Determine the tolerance type
The tolerance design of sheet metal parts usually includes three types: linear tolerance, angular tolerance and shape tolerance.

Linear tolerance: refers to the allowable deviation range of the line segment on the part, usually expressed in millimeters. It determines the accuracy of the dimensional parameters such as the length and width of the part.
Angle tolerance: refers to the allowable deviation range of the angle on the part, expressed in degrees. It affects the geometric characteristics of the part, such as flatness and verticality.
Shape tolerance: refers to the allowable error of the part shape, such as flatness, curvature, etc. It reflects the accuracy of the part shape.
3. Select tolerance grade
The national standard lists multiple tolerance grades (such as IT01, IT0, IT1 to IT18) to determine the size of the tolerance zone. The higher the tolerance grade, the smaller the allowable deviation range and the higher the accuracy of the part. When selecting the tolerance grade, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as the functional requirements, manufacturing cost and processing capacity of the part.

4. Consider processing technology and equipment
Different processing technologies and equipment have different tolerance control capabilities for parts. For example, high-precision CNC machine tools can provide a smaller tolerance range, while traditional stamping equipment may produce larger tolerances. Therefore, when designing tolerances, it is necessary to consider the processing capabilities of the selected processing technology and equipment.

5. Conduct tolerance accumulation analysis
During the assembly process, the tolerances of multiple parts may accumulate with each other, resulting in a decrease in assembly accuracy. Therefore, when designing tolerances, it is necessary to conduct tolerance accumulation analysis to evaluate whether the overall accuracy after assembly meets the requirements. If it is found that the tolerance accumulation is too large, it is necessary to adjust the tolerance range of each part or optimize the assembly plan.

6. Follow standards and specifications
When designing tolerances, relevant national and industry standards or specifications should be followed. These standards or specifications provide guiding principles and references for tolerance design, which help to ensure the rationality and scientificity of tolerance design.

The tolerance design of sheet metal parts requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors, including assembly requirements, use environment, tolerance type, tolerance grade, processing technology and equipment, tolerance accumulation analysis, and standards and specifications. Through scientific and reasonable tolerance design, the assembly accuracy and functionality of sheet metal parts can be ensured, and the overall quality and performance of the product can be improved.